Classes for Sunday, February 9th:

  • 9:00am – 10:00am: Yoga with Ravi: Link is HERE. CANCELLED. Back next week.

Classes for Wednesday, February 12th:

  • 10:00am – Gentle Hatha: Link is HERE.

Classes for Saturday, February 15th:

  • 9:30am – IN-PERSON Vinyasa: at our place* CANCELLED – Back next week!
  • 11:00am – Basic Yoga for Beginners: Link is HERE.

Our home studio is at 25 Ridgecrest West, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Knock on the front door!

Online classes are $15 and in-person are $25.

Yoga Station’s classes are now ONLINE and IN-PERSON – Payment info is below! Char is teacher unless noted otherwise.

To sign up for class, email us at, or text us at 914-874-6295.

Classes may be purchased with Cash, Check, and Venmo.

Our Venmo Account is @Char-Daigle.

Char and Ravi

4 Wednesdays, 6:30pm – 8:00pm

January 17th, 24th, February 7th, 14th

HYBRID: $25 in-person; $15 online.

Yoga is the cessation of the variations of the mind stuff. This well known quote from Patanjali encompasses the psychological underpinnings of traditional hatha yoga. The practice of various poses shifts the mind from its constant chatter. We feel rested after a yoga class. 

But did you know…

500 years after Patanjali, another text appears, this time from Kashmir: ‘The Vignana Bhairava Tantra’. Instead of sense-withdrawal a la Patanjali, this text urges us to cultivate our senses, engaging with our body, and taking this awareness into our day-to-day life. 

The foundation of this workshop is this second text. Our hatha yoga practice will take inspiration from ‘the Vignana Bhairava Tantra’ to work with chakrasbindis (points of awareness), nadis (channels) and prana (the breath). The practice will include asanas, movement, pranayama and meditation. Our focus will be on the senses: not indulging them, but learning how to rest the mind in the senses.  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on your mat this Wednesday.


At Yoga Station, we believe in the power of a steady yoga practice. As your neighborhood studio, we have the luxury of getting to know our students well.

We strive to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously while focusing on the fundamentals of yoga.